Yoga at Star Surf Camps


Amidst catching waves, meeting new friends, dancing the night away and listening to live music as the sun sets over french pine trees, we may not think we need anything else. When we’re busy having the time of our lives, it can be easy to forget to have a moment to slow down and focus on our health and bodies. The funny thing is, when we focus on our health we can actually improve our experience in all the things mentioned above. That’s why at Star Surf Camps we believe yoga is the perfect compliment and addition to our already thriving community.

So, why yoga? Yoga is an ancient practice that is healing for both the mind and the body. It allows us to tune into our breath, to focus on the present moment, and to open our bodies.

Yoga reminds us to stay present and therefore fully enjoy the experiences that are right in front of us at any given moment. People often find that after consistently practicing yoga, they start to bring the mindset off the mat and into their lives. It is much easier to catch a wave when we are focused just on catching a wave, not the million of other thoughts that often run through our mind like, ‘I can’t wait for the sandwich that’s waiting for me after this surf.’ Or, ‘I wish I could stay at Star Surf Camps all summer.’ (Which you actually can by the way!) These are thoughts that can be dealt with at a different time, and yoga helps us train our mind to acknowledge this. That way we can get back to focusing on what we are doing in this moment (like catching an awesome wave), so we can give it our all.

Aside from the benefits that the yoga mindset provides, there are also loads of physical benefits that will improve your stay at Star Surf Camps and really just life in general. When our bodies are stretched out and strengthened, we find that we feel better and recover from challenging activities quicker. After a long surf your body will definitely be thanking you for taking the time to stretch everything out and you’ll find you have less aches and pains than you would had you not. Surfing also tends to be a whole lot easier when our shoulders and hips are open, and the spine is flexible, all things that yoga helps immensely with.



So, what does yoga look like at our Moliets camp? We offer yoga classes twice a day, depending on the schedule, that are lead by our lovely instructor, Wednesday. Each class is designed to help get your body ready for surfing, and to relax your mind for the day ahead.

Picture this: waking up, rolling out of bed and walking to the magical wooden yoga platform surrounded by a large tree covered in twinkly lights, where you are greeted by a smiling Wednesday. She slowly helps wake you up and by the end of class you are feeling energized and alive, ready to take on all the endless fun activities offered at Star Surf Camps. We’ll see you there!